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Wed 15-9-21

Power/Mobility - 3 sets of:

- Zercher counter-movement jump w/ reset x 6-8

- Adductor sit-backs x 6 per side

- DB arm-bar x 3-5 per side

Strength - 4 sets of:

- DB lateral-lunge x 6-10 p/s (Pro: Cossack squat)

- DB Suitcase deadlift x 8-10 per side

- DB Row w/ 4 sec. lowering x 5-10 per side

- Band overhead press x 10-20

Conditioning - 4 rounds for time:

- A-skip x 20

- Burpee x 8

- Hollow tucks x 15


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Saturday 18-5-24

Random interval length 2.5 mins at each station - 3 mins rest every 2 stations: 1. Bike 2. MB Alternating Side Toss 3. Row 4. Sled TRX row to push 5. Box jump / Step-up 6. Sit-ups 7. Rope slams 8. Spr

Thursday 16-5-24

HFCU: Max, -1, -1, Same, Same >5 Weighted chin-up 5RM >1 Bodyweight <1 Band-supported 1.5 chin-up Rowling to finish: - 100m + Band pall-off press x 10 p/s alternating each round with + DB Hollow skull

Wednesday 15-5-24

Conditioning finisher at RPE 9 - Block run or Row x 800m/1000m or Bike x 40/50 cal. or Sled-push x 12 u/b Mobility cool-down - 1 round of: - Toe-touch hold x 30 sec. + wide toe-touch hold x 30 sec. -

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